Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 6: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

Chapter 6: Graphics,Digital Media, and Multimedia

  • Graphics: images that are displayed on a screen.
  • Digital Media: any type of electronic media.
  • Multimedia: collaboration of multiple forms of media.
  • Tim Berners-Lee:- invented World Wide Web and is the head of W3C.
Q: What are Bit-mapped Graphics?
Bit mapped Graphics is the representation of graphic images as bit maps by hardware and software.
  • Painting Software: in which pixels are painted on a screen with a pointing device.
-stores image at 300 at dots per inch of higher
-translates pointer movements into lines and patterns on the screen.
Pixels: little dots of white, black, or color that make images on screen.
Palette: the given set of options of colors to choose from.
Color depth: the number of bits to each pixel.
Resolution: the density of the pixels.
  • Image Processing: to edit photos through the computer.
- possible to manipulate and combine photos, it's realistic.
- Digital photo management software make it easy to and automate normal tasks that have to do with capturing, recognizing,editing, and sharing digital images.
What does the digital photo management software do?

-It simplifies and automates regular tasks that have to do with capturing, recognizing, editing, and sharing digital images.
  • Object-oriented drawing- better for creating printed graphs, charts, and illustrations. Also, lines are cleaner and shapes are smoother.
-Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules.- Allows you to choose the right tool for each job.
-Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs b/t types
    What is the difference between CAD, CAM, and CIM?

  • Computer Aided Design (CAD):
-Allows engineers, designers and architects create designs on screen for products ranging from computer chips to public buildings.
-Can test product prototypes
-Cheaper, faster and more accurate than traditional design-by-hand techniques.

  • Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)- is the process when data related to the product design are put into a program that controls the manufacturing of parts.

  • Computer-Integrated Manufacturing(CAM)- refers to the combination of CAD/CAM and is a big step toward a fully automated factory.

Presentation Graphics: automates the making of visual aids for lectures, training sessions, sales demonstrations and others.
    -is a computer-drawn picture
    -moving from frame to frame to make a movie effect.

    Tweening- animator creates key frames and objects and use software to help fill in the gaps.
    What is a video digitizer?
    -"Is software that takes an analog video still frame and converts it to a digital still image."
  • Analog and Digital Video- a video digitizer can convert analog video signals from a TV broadcast or videotape into digital data.
- Can import signals from televisions
- signals are displayed in the computer's screen in real time.

-Digital video cameras capture footage in digital form.
-Digital videos can be copied, edited, stored and played back w/o loss of quality.
- They will soon replace analog video for most applications.

What does nonlinear editing technology do?
-Is a video editing or audio editing system which can perform random access on the source material.

Video editing software: ex: Abode Premiere
- makes it easy to eliminate footage , combine clips from multiple takes, splice together scenes, create specific effects and perform a variety of other activities.
  • Morphs are video clips in which one image morphs into another.
  • Data Compression- software and hardware used to compress data from movies so that it can be stored easily.
What does broadband mean?
- "telecommunications system of greater bandwidth."

-Audio digitizer- captures sound and stores it as a data file.
-Synthesizer- an electronic instrument that synthesizes sounds using mathematical formulas.
-MIDI( Musical Instrument Digital Interface)- standard that allows electronic instruments and computers to communicate with each other.

What is the differ b/t MIDI and MP3?
MP3 is a patented digital audio encoding format using a form of lossy data compression while a MIDI is a standard that allows electronic instruments and computers to communicate with each other.

-For audio when it digitizes it transfers from sound waves to 0s and 1s.

  • Rules of Thumb

Don't Steal

Understand streaming and downloading

Know your file formats.

Don't over-compress

  • Popular Digital Audio Formats-WAV.AIFF, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG.

  • MIDI-can control electronic musical instruments and sound sources
-Can be interpreted by music synthesizers and samplers.
  • Sequence software- turns a computer into a musical composing, and editing machine.
  • Electronica- music designed from the ground up with digital technology.

What is the difference b/t hypertext and Hypermedia?

  • Hypertext- refers to the info linked in non sequential ways.
  • Hypermedia- combines text, numbers, graphics, animations, sound effects, music, and other media .

-Makes slide shows directly on computer monitors, LCD projectors, still images...
-Make an outline
-Design backgrounds, borders, templates..
-Print overhead transparencies
-Microsoft Producer

How to make a powerful presentation?
-remember your goal
-remember your audience
-outline your ideas
-keep it simple
-use a consistent design
-be smart with art
-keep each slide focused
-tell them what your going to say, tell them again, tell them what you said.

  • Dynamic Media-modern media contains dynamic info
  • Interactive Multimedia: a combination of text, graphics, animation, video, music, voice, and sound effects that allows the user to take an active part in the experience.
-Requires high quality , color monitors, fast processors, large memory, CD-ROM drives, speakers, and sound
-uses authoring programs such as Hyperstudio and Metacard
-Binds source documents together to communicate with users in an aesthetically pleasing way.
-Involves programming objects on the screen to react or behave in certain ways under certain conditions.
-example: Macromedia Director MX-includes prewritten behaviors that can be attached to on-screen buttons, images, and other objects.
    Rules of Thumb
  • Be consistent in visual appearance

  • Use graphical metaphors to guide viewers

  • Keep the screen clean to guide viewers

  • Include multiple elements to enliven the presentation

  • focus on the message

  • Give the user control

  • Test your presentation

  • Virtual reality:combines virtual worlds with networking.

  • multiple participants in a virtual space

  • representations of each other called avatars

  • Tele-immersion: uses multiple cameras and high-speed networks to create a video conferencing environment in which multiple remote users can interact with each other and computer-generated objects.