Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I don't think it is because it seems to me that the Turing test is really testing the response a computer would have rather than its intelligence. Of course its easy to tell the response of a computer because it is so technical while a human is more relaxed and prone to error. Computers can retrieve facts better than humans. It's testing the ability of a computer to be a human not its intelligence.
2- List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguish the items on the two lists?
People Computer
- translating - processing
- planning -math
- synthesizing
General characteristics that distinguish the two are technical, and natural.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Discussion Question
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Chapter 13: Electronic Commerce and E-commerece RQs
Discussion Question 4/13
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Chapter 11: Computers at Work, School, and Home RQs
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Chapter 10: Computer Security and Risks RQs
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Discussion Questions 4/6
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
10 different top-level domains
- (.edu) Educational sites
- (.com) Commercial sites
- (.gov) Government sites
- (.mil) Military sites
- (.net) Network Administration sites
- (.org) Nonprofit organizations
- (.aero) Air transport organizations
- (.biz) Businesses
- (.coop) Cooperative business such as credit unions
- (.info) Information services
Monday, March 21, 2011
Chapter 9: The Evolving Internet Review Questions
- The Internet is growing much too rapidly for it to be tracked.
- There is no "Internet Central" that keeps track of user activity or network connections.
- Different types of connections to the Internet results in different degrees of interactivity, thus it is difficult to know what it means to "belong to the Internet".
- TCP/IP are practically the "language" of the Internet that allow cross-network communication for nearly any computer and network. It defines how information transfers between machines and how machines on network are defined by IP addresses or unique addresses.
- They both use the same domain-naming scheme.
- Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Golive, and Microsoft Frontpage are some web authoring software that make it easy to develop Web pages. Basically one lays out text and graphics in the way desired and the software will create an HTML document that looks similar to the original layout when seen on a Web browser. They are good for automating repetitive edits, apply formatting styles across pages, and check for bad links.
- This is because it makes files smaller so that they may be downloaded and played faster.
- With push technology you subscribe to the updates and information desired and the server delivers it periodically. It is used for company intranets but is increasingly used for the most trivial things such as weather updates.
- Such new services for example are: the viewing of weather patterns, book flights, buy stocks, sell cars, track deliveries, listen to radio broadcasts, conduct video conferences, organize disaster recovery programs and do countless other functions.
- Such new problems are: spam scams, get rich-quick hoaxes, online credit card thefts, email forgery, child pornography, illegal gambling, online stalking and other condemned acts.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Discussion Question 3/16/11
Monday, March 14, 2011
Chapter 8: Networking and Digital Communication: Reading and RQs
- Networks let people to share computer hardware resources, reducing costs, and making it possible for more people to take better advantage of powerful computer equipment.
- Networks let people to share data and software programs, increasing efficiency and productivity.
- Networks let people to work together in ways that are otherwise difficult or impossible.
- When one uses the telephone network to to connect remote computers. The modem connects a computer to a telephone line.
- Network Operating System(NOS)- for those who work exclusively on local area networks. It shields the user from the hardware and software details of routine communication between machines.
- Terminal emulation software- this is outside of LAN. It lets a computer function as a character-based terminal - a simple input and output device for sending messages to and receiving messages from the host computer.
- Mailing lists and newsgroups use asynchronous communication while instant messaging uses real-time communication.
- One thing is that you can send your mail instantly and receive it instantly, while with regular mail you have to deliver your mail to the post office or mail box and the least amount of time it takes for you to receive it or for the recipient to receive it is one day. Another thing is that on email you can attach files but with regular mail you cannot. Attaching files is a lot easier than having to print out the document you wish to send.
- Well one thing could be spam because it slows you down and sometimes can cause viruses on your computer. Also, these are easy to hack into and if someone displays too much personal information, it could lead to identity theft.
- This statement is basically inferring that in the technological world money is just information shared or retrieved or what not. It relates to communication technology because for example nowadays people can easily check their account balances from their mobile phones in which they are communicating with their bank. Also, for business purposes, people can communicate through groupware or even email on budget updates and commerce increases.
- Well this statement much sums up that these technologies each have different purposes. Wi-fi's purpose is to connect wireless handheld computers and devices. While the purpose of Bluetooth is to overcome the differences between mobile phones, handheld computers and PCs so that they can all communicate with each other regardless of the operating system.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Database Article Link
FBI turns up faster, more accurate fingerprint identification system
FBI system lays groundwork for future biometrics such as latent palm prints and facial recognition
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tomorrow's Technology and You Eighth Edition:Chapter 7: Reading and RQs
- A file manager is a program that enables users to work with one file at a time. However, a true database-management system(DBMS) is a program or system of programs that can manipulate data in a large collection of files. They are similar in that they can both are sufficient for mailing lists and other common data management applications.
- A database is structured with many data files in which these files are made up of one or more tables; it keeps the information together the way a folder in a file cabinet does. Then a database table is a collection of records. A record is the information related to one person, product or event. For instance, in a library's card catalog database, a record contains information on exactly one person. Then these records are further divided into fields. A field contains a discrete, specific piece of information in a record. For example, in a library's card catalog database a field could be title, author, date, etc...
- A query is an information request in database terminology. A query could be a search for a specific record or a request to select all records that match a certain criteria such as animals that are cold-blooded or amphibians with teeth .
- To sort a data file means using a command to that lets you arrange records in alphabetic or numeric order based on values in files.
- The advantages are that they are easier to understand and easier to use than regular database programs. Also, they are faster and more flexible than notebook organizers. They are good for people on the go especially with notebook or handheld computers. Some disadvantages may be if the user has a hard time using software and particularly does not know how to use it. If one does not have a cell phone or computer well than they would be no need for it.
- A database can be designed to reduce a likelihood of errors by reducing the number of changes. To do this one should use a relational database program because changes in one table are reflected in other tables automatically.
- Legally, the U.S Supreme Court decisions have recognized a right to privacy is implied by other constitutional guarantees though it is not specifically mentioned.
- This is due to the fact that in today's world everything we do on the computer and Internet are stored in databases.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Chapter 7: Database Applications and Privacy Implications
Database- is a collection of information that has been organized in a certain way or a storage container for data. or a collection of info stored on computer disks.
-Making it easy to reference and retrieve
-Example:telephone book-combination of first name and last, receipe cards..
What is a unique identifier?
It is a combination of databases.
Google was launched by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Database Software: an application that is designed to maintain databases.
Computerized databases make it easier to store large amounts of info, retrieve info quickly and flexibly,
Database program: a software tool for organizing the storage and retrieval of info
Database: a collection of info stored in an organized form in a computer. Composed of one or more tables, A table is a collection of related info and/or records.
What is a record?
A record is the information relating to one person, product, or event.
Each discrete
The type of info the field can hold is told by its Field type or Data Type.
Database programs allow you to view in:
Form view-show one record at a time.
List view-display several records in lists similar to the way a spreadsheet displays data.
In views, fields can be rearranged without changing the data.
What are Database Operations?
Import: receive data in the form of text files
Browse: navigate through info
Query: find records that match specfic criteria.
Sort: rearrange records.
Print reports, labels, and form letters: A report is an ordered list of selected records and fields in an easy to read format.
What does SQL stand for?
Structured Query Language
-Is a standard language
-Is available for many database management systems
-Allows point and click queries that insulate users from the complexieies of the query language.
Specialized database software: preprogrammed for spefic data storage and retrieveal purposes.
Persinal info manager(PIM): an electronic organizer.Functions: -address book, Appointment calendar, to-do list, miscellaneous notes
-Handheld computers can share info with apps such as iCalendar running on PCs an Macintoshes.
File Manager: enables users to work with one file at a time.
Database Management system(DBMS): manipulates data in a large collection of files, cross-referencing between files as needed.
-can be used interactively or controlled by other programs.
Relational database: program is one that allows tables to be related to each other.
-Changes in lne table are reflected in other tables automatically.
To computer scientists, relational database has a technical definition related to:
The underlying structure data
The rules specifying how that data can be manipulated.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Chapter 6: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia
- Graphics: images that are displayed on a screen.
- Digital Media: any type of electronic media.
- Multimedia: collaboration of multiple forms of media.
- Tim Berners-Lee:- invented World Wide Web and is the head of W3C.
- Painting Software: in which pixels are painted on a screen with a pointing device.
- Image Processing: to edit photos through the computer.
- Object-oriented drawing- better for creating printed graphs, charts, and illustrations. Also, lines are cleaner and shapes are smoother.
-Some programs merge features of both in a single application
- Computer Aided Design (CAD):
-Can test product prototypes
- Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)- is the process when data related to the product design are put into a program that controls the manufacturing of parts.
- Computer-Integrated Manufacturing(CAM)- refers to the combination of CAD/CAM and is a big step toward a fully automated factory.
- Analog and Digital Video- a video digitizer can convert analog video signals from a TV broadcast or videotape into digital data.
- Morphs are video clips in which one image morphs into another.
- Data Compression- software and hardware used to compress data from movies so that it can be stored easily.
- Rules of Thumb
Don't Steal
Understand streaming and downloading
Know your file formats.
Don't over-compress- Popular Digital Audio Formats-WAV.AIFF, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG.
- MIDI-can control electronic musical instruments and sound sources
- Sequence software- turns a computer into a musical composing, and editing machine.
- Electronica- music designed from the ground up with digital technology.
What is the difference b/t hypertext and Hypermedia?
- Hypertext- refers to the info linked in non sequential ways.
- Hypermedia- combines text, numbers, graphics, animations, sound effects, music, and other media .
-Design backgrounds, borders, templates..
-Print overhead transparencies
-Microsoft Producer
How to make a powerful presentation?
-remember your goal
-remember your audience
-outline your ideas
-keep it simple
-use a consistent design
-be smart with art
-keep each slide focused
-tell them what your going to say, tell them again, tell them what you said.
- Dynamic Media-modern media contains dynamic info
- Interactive Multimedia: a combination of text, graphics, animation, video, music, voice, and sound effects that allows the user to take an active part in the experience.
- Rules of Thumb
- Be consistent in visual appearance
- Use graphical metaphors to guide viewers
- Keep the screen clean to guide viewers
- Include multiple elements to enliven the presentation
- focus on the message
- Give the user control
- Test your presentation
- Virtual reality:combines virtual worlds with networking.
- multiple participants in a virtual space
- representations of each other called avatars
- Tele-immersion: uses multiple cameras and high-speed networks to create a video conferencing environment in which multiple remote users can interact with each other and computer-generated objects.