Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Project Theory

Introduction to project cycle

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

Project Identification & Selection - Project Initiation & Planning - Analysis - Logical Design -
Physical Design - Implementation - Maintenance.

What is a project?

A project is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specifications.

Project Management Criteria
  • Projects are oriented towards a goal.

  • There is something unique about every project.

  • Projects have a finite duration.- It ends.

  • Projects require coordination of interrelated activities.

What is Project Management?

  • Project management is a set of principles and tools for:

  • Defining

  • Planning

  • Executing

  • Controlling and..

  • Completeing a PROJECT

Why is Project Management important?

  • Organize your approach

  • Generate a credible schdule

  • Track progress and control your project

  • Identify where to focus your efforts

  • Identify problems early-before they are crises

  • Saves you TIME..and MONEY.

  • If you fail to plan, plan to fail.

Project Phases

  1. Assessment

  2. Planning

  3. Implementation

  4. Evaluation

Project Cycle Management (PCD)

Assessment (of needs, situation)

  • Observing a problem

  • Analysing it

  • Defining the need

  • Deciding on an action

  • Answering W-questions (Laswell)


•Who, for whom, with whom, etc.?


  • Think the way the client is thinking .

  • Know everything about theie business/occupation.

  • Needs Analysis of the organization, its values, activities and relevancy.

  • Own Motivation

  • Definition of aims (general) and concrete objectives.

  • Selection of methodology, activities

  • Plan of activities – schedule

  • Resources: human, financial, material, time

  • Organization of the project: team, partners

  • Outline of the project/project fiche

  • Risks assessment strategy

Concrete Objectives

SMART:Specifc Measurable Achieveable Realistic Timed

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