Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 1: Our Digital Planet

  • The computer is a versatile tool.

ex: compute taxes, deploy missile

  • All computers take in information ca;;ed input and give out info called output.

  • Hardware: the physical part

  • Software the instructions that tell the software what to do.

  • 1939: Konrad Zuse-first digital computer

  • 1943: First electronic digital computer called Colossus by mathematician Alan Turing.

  • 1939: Professor John Atanasoff developed possibly the first electronic digital computer, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer(ABC)

  • 1944: Professor Howard Aiken developed the Mark I, by a one million dollar grant from IBM.

  • John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert helped the U.S effort in World War II by constructing a machine to calculate trajectory tables for new guns.

  • After the war, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert started a private company called Sperry and created UNIVAC I, the first general-purose commercial computer.

  • Vacum Tubes- were used in early computers

  • ENIAC Electronical Numerical Integrator Computer

  • Transistors replaced vacuum tubes starting in 1956

  • By the mid-1960 transistors were replaced by integrated circuits.

  • Integrated circuits brought:

  • Increased reliability

  • Smaller size

  • Higher speed

  • Higher effciency

  • Lower cost

  • 1971: The first microprocessor was invented by Intel engineers

  • THe personal computer

  • Desktop Computers

  • Embedded Computers- perform specific tasks

  • Special purpose computers

  • controling the temperature and humidity

  • Monitoring your heart rate

  • Monitoring your house security system

  • The program is etched on silicon so it cannot be altered . This is called firmware.

  • Personal Computers

  • PCs serve a single user at a time.

  • Common applications include:

  • word processing

  • Workstations: high-end desktoop computers with massive computing power used for high-end interactive applications.

  • Portable Computers: machines that are not tied to the desktop

  • Notebooks-laptops

  • Handheld Computers-PDA

  • Servers: Computers designed to provide software and other resources to other computers over a network.

  • Mainframes:

  • Used by large organizations, such banks and airlines, for big computing jobs.

  • Communicate with mainframe through terminals

  • Multiple communications at one time through process of timesharing.

  • Supercomputers: For power users who need access to the fastest, most powerful computers made.

  • The Emergance of Networks

  • Connect devices together.

  • 1960s: Internet developed with backing of the U.S goverment.

  • The Internet Explosion- Pver a billion people with Internet acceses by the end of 2005.

  • Electronic mail- email

  • World Wide Web

  • Led the Internet's tranformation from a text-only environment into a multimedia

  • Web Browsers: Programs that serve as navigable wilndows into the Web.
  • explorer, firefox. chrome

  • Hypertext links: millions of Web pages tied together created by different authors.

  • Internet varied activities:

  • eBay-international transactions

  • Real-time multiplayer games

  • In history we have had:

  • Agricultural Age

  • Industrial Age

  • Now we are in the Information Age- people earn a living now by working with words, numbers, and ideas
  • Social and Ethical issues
  • personal privacy
  • high-tech crime and keeping data secure
  • defining and protecting intellectual property
  • The threat of automation and the dehumanization of work
  • The abuse of info as a tool of political and economic power
  • The emergence of bio-digital technology
  • The dangers of dependence on complex technology
  • Bio-digital examples:
  • Micro-chipping pets
  • Prosthetic limbs
  • Virtual Surgery
  • Brain fused with PC chip

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