Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chapter 2: Basic Componets of Computer

  • Input Devices: Keyboards,pointing devices(mouse)
  • Output Devices: Display or video monitor, printer, speakers, Central Processing Unit(CPU).
Memory and Storage Devices

  • Primary Storage: RAM (Random Access Memory)
  • Secondary Storage: Storage devices that serve as long term repositories for data:
  • Hard Disk Drives
  • Recordable CD and DVD drives
  • Tape Drives
  • Information: communication that has value because it informs . Data=Information
  • Computer's information is digital.
  • Bit or Binary digit
  • The smallest unit of information.
  • Can have one or two values:0 or 1.
  • Can represent numbers,codes, or instructions.
  • Byte: a collection of 8 bits.
  • Bit:0,1
  • Using two symbols all numbers can be represented on a calculator as well as performing arithmetic.
  • A calculator translates the touch on the numeric keypad into a series of 0's and 1's.

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