Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Discussion 8/27/10: Network and Server

Technology Social Issues Application/Input
a.) Network a.) Reliability -Education
b.) Database b.) Integrity - Business
c.) Middle ware c.) Security - Employment
d.) Privacy
e.) Anonymity

  • First understand issue-where the person is coming from.
  • Before judging, listen-understand
  • Ex: Taraweeh and Iphone

Network: Client- one being served

Server: to give, sow, serve client's request.

  • The needs haven't changed.
  • Tip: Map complex idea to basic need
  • becomes simple
  • brings everthing back to the basics
  • Questions-Intellect-Process
  • Relevant questions tie to basic needs.
  • Client-server-client
  • Person-Google-Browser


  • Client-Server
  • Person-Google
  • Both computers -server and router

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