Reliability refers to the operation of the hardware the, the design of software, the accuracy of data of the correspondence of data with the real world.
- Data may be unreliable if it is entered incorrectly or if it becomes outdated.
- For example, if a medical record becomes dissociated from the patient it refers to becomes unreliable.
- Consequence: medication could be be proscribed wrongly which the patient may become ill due to a certain medication.
- Virus=defect=bugs
- Fix=pag
- Integrity refers to correspondence of data with itself at its creation. Data lacks integrity when it has been changed accidentally or tampered with.
- For example, a hacker might change driver liscense data resulting in arrests of innocent people.
Use of IT in teaching and learning
Hardware and network technologies in the classroom.
Education software research and forums, virtual learning environments (VLE) eBooks, Web 2.0 , education networks, use of mobile device, game-based learning, fully immersive environment, filtering and monitoring of students’ internet use, 1-to-10, m-learning.
Laptop computers, handheld devices, interactive white boards.
Video Clip: Old school, New school
- Chatham Highschool, NJ
- Some teachers have to use technology(i.e: smart boards)
- Others like Rose Porpora don't- she feels like her time is up.
- She argues that students have no focus because of quickness and multi-tasking
- Student says everyone uses spark notes.
- Intimidation of teachers
- Students looking down upon teachers because lack of technical expertise.
- Bad teacher and student communication
- Paralysis of intellect because constantly relying technology
- For eaxample, if your constantly relying on a calculator to do your math homework, you'll soon forget your multipulcation and division basics!
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